Friday, December 23, 2005

JIL Lipa Plans and Goals for 2006

Our Goal

To have a shared encouragement and support among Christians. (Acts 2:42; 2Cor.6:14; Phil.3:10; 1Jn.1:3-7)
To celebrate the love, goodness, and faithfulness of the Lord.
To equip our leaders and workers.
To establish our prayer life.
To educate our congregations.
To have a remarkable church growth this year.
To have an evangelism program in various ministries.
To add new workers in our ministries.
To strengthen our Life Group Networks.
To pursue excellence in the ministry.

Our Plan

To put up an afternoon fellowship held in every second Sunday of the month.
To continue our quarterly Worship Celebration.
To keep on our quarterly Leadership Development Seminar.
To have a prayer activity in each ministry.
To organize a Christian Education Ministry.
To create a Church Planting Ministry.
To include a Soul-Winning activities in each ministry.
To recruit and train new workers.
To design new strategies, program, and curriculum for Sunday school/ COM.
To conduct MEC (Monitoring/Evaluation/Correcting) in each ministry.

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