Friday, April 28, 2006


I was amazed of what the Lord has done during the 16th year celebration of the JIL Church (Lipa City Chapter) last Sunday, April 23, 2006. It was really a well attended affair. Thanks to our Bible teachers and Cell leaders who were all able to invite some 500+ people from our cell outreaches. Many stepped forward to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and decided to “go with Jesus in offering praise to God and loving others.”
We would like to acknowledge the following MINISTRIES in helping us out to make this anniversary truly a victorious event….

Adult Ministry (Gatekeepers, Maintenance, SOS)
Anointed Imageworx
Kiddoz Ministry
KKB Ministry
Ministry Assistance Network/Cooperative
Solevites Ministry (Medical Team)
Warriors Intercessors Network
Worship Leading Teams (VIA/JAM, Tambourine, Mime/ACTS/Tri-Movers)

Thanks is also extended to all of our supporters (tithers/pledgers/donors) who through the years are becoming more and more generous in sharing their blessings for the work of the Lord

We highly appreciated all of our leaders and workers who in ups and downs (in the journeys of life) are still there – faithfully sharing the best of their lives for the cause of the Lord.

And from the heart of our pastor of 16 years, here is what he wants to say: “I can’t find a word to explain this feeling of gratitude to our God….he is always faithful to me, to my family, to our ministry and people….All I can say is: ‘Truly, you are Great, God!!!!’”

All honor, glory, and praise are for God alone.

----From the WebMaster

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