Sunday, January 08, 2006

Praise Report from Jail and Prison Ministry

Jail is one of our ministries at JIL Church Lipa City Chapter. We are blessed to be one of the recipients of mission assistance from Surf City Church of Australia. I just would like to share with you what God has done during the crusade/gift giving we conducted last December 14, 2005....

Pastor Jonas Macalaguing and others from Australia arrived in our church here to attend the Sunday worship service. We requested him and his team to share some testimonies with the Lord. I invited him to come in the afternoon because we are planning to minister to the inmates at the city prison.

During the event there was a heavy rain pouring. I thought we have to cancel the activity because the place where we plan make a crusade is an open air/no roof. But God is good because at the appointed time we suppose to be there it was just like a shower.

During Praise and Worship the inmates were very participative and they seemed to be enjoying the fellowship with "outsiders" like us. Pastor Jonas delivered a short message of hope and salvation to them and they were all attentive to what he was shared on Matthew 25:35-36.

Everybody was blessed with the Word of God coupled with a short testimonies came from his team. I was the interpreter during that time that when I told them to say to one another: "You will be freed by your sins!" they were all excitedly and joyfully shouted it as fresh news or some sort of revelation to them. I told them to follow me in reciting the sinner's prayer and they all accepted Jesus. Praise the Lord.

When the time came to give them some basic necessities(like groceries, toiletries, etc) as a gift, the 200 plus inmates were so thankful that they felt the mercy and love of God. I can see in them the heartfeltgratitude on what they had received.

Thanks to all the people behind the M25 Ministry of Surf City Christian Church-its Pastors, missionaries, and donors-you have made those in prison to be glad these days. We will pray for you and your ministry. Thanks for all the support. God richly bless you.

From Bro. Dimson T. Dimaano
Pastor, Jesus Is Lord Church
Lipa City Chapter
Brgy. Sabang, Lipa City
Philippines 4201

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