Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006

KKB Group Pic

Kristianong Kabataan para sa Bayan
with bro dimson and sis winnie....

Calendar of Activities (Jan-Apr 2006)


(7) Area 29: Kiddoz Teachers Seminar/Workshop
(8) BOT meeting
(15) JIL 12: Pre-Encounter Seminar (Local Church Level)
(21) KKB Area 29 Gathering
(21) WIN National Camp
(22) JIL 12: Pre-Encounter Seminar (Local Church Level)
(29) Area 29: Council of God's Servant

(4) Area 29: Dance and Mime Seminar/Workshop
(10) JIL 12 Encounter Retreat Seminar (Provincial Level)
(11) JIL 12 Encounter Retreat Seminar (Provincial Level)
(12) Couple's Valentine Gathering
(18) Collective Prayer and Fasting
(19) KKB Youth Gathering
(19) Maintenance/KKB/SOS Seminar
(19) Solevites Gathering
(25) Worship Celebration
(26) BOT MeetingAgenda: February Reports, 2nd Qtr Calendar of Activities

(11) Area 29 Collective Prayer and Fasting
(12) JIL 12 Post-Encounter Seminar (Local Church Level)
(19) JIL 12 Post-Encounter Seminar (Local Church Level)
(19) Kiddoz Tracts Distribution
(25) Mime Workshop for Kiddoz
(26) Youth Service
(26) SOS/Maintenace/Solevite Seminar

(1) BOT Meeting
(12) JIL 12 School of Leadership (Provincial Level)
(13) JIL 12 School of Leadership (PL)
(14) JIL 12 School of Leadership (PL)
(15) JIL 12 School of Leadership (PL)
(23) JIL Lipa Anniversary, Mime and Dance Concert
(29) Annual Outdoor Gathering
(31) Provincial Anniversary

From Our Partners in Australia

Hello my name is Venus Torres, I would like to just say on behalf of all of us involved in M25 that we have all enjoyed hearing about the awesome things that God has been doing there, we are very happy to be a part of the things that you are all doing in the name of our lord Jesus.The foundation for M25 is that we believe that being a prisoner is not just being physically in a prison but being trapped spiritually, prison tends to make people feel lonely and left out mostly its because alot of them dont get visitors during that time, not only that but satan also has a play in this, his objective is to steal, kill, and destroy and so he comes to steal the inmates hope of freedom and destroy their hope of a right future in their lives, this is why M25 is so determined to help, with the power given to us by the awesome spirit of the Lord, those people who are caught and find it hard to escape from the lies of the enemy.We are so very blessed to be a part of the same mission and vision regardless of the country or place. since we are united in this aim i ask that we continue joined in this revelation in the name of jesus christ of nazareth.Genesis 11: 6 "The Lord said, "if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them..."if you know of any other people interested in getting involved please pass on this e-mail address or we need
more volunteers to help complete this missionsincerily;
Venus Torres
Surf City

Monday, January 09, 2006

Candle Lighting Fellowship

"I am the light of the world (John 8:12)...."- Jesus Christ

A candle lighting fellowship held last December 30, 2005.

Ministry Planning and Retreat

Ministry Planning and Retreat
For the Year 2006
October 30-31, 2005
El Grande Resort
Lipa City

Click the picture to enlarge.

Greetings from Vietnam

Dear Webmaster,
Firstly, would like to say how impressed we are how God bless JIL Lipa in many ways and now that you have your website. Being part of this Church, we are rejoicing with God of what you have been accomplished.
Secondly, This is a good venue to the people away from home to see how are we doing and get connected to each other and to the Church.
Thirdly, Thank God for the gift of you in the Church who has unwavering faith and full of knowlegde from above.
Lastly, may the good Lord continue showering His blessings to you, to the family and the Church.
In His Name, Castro's in Vietnam

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Praise Report from Jail and Prison Ministry

Jail is one of our ministries at JIL Church Lipa City Chapter. We are blessed to be one of the recipients of mission assistance from Surf City Church of Australia. I just would like to share with you what God has done during the crusade/gift giving we conducted last December 14, 2005....

Pastor Jonas Macalaguing and others from Australia arrived in our church here to attend the Sunday worship service. We requested him and his team to share some testimonies with the Lord. I invited him to come in the afternoon because we are planning to minister to the inmates at the city prison.

During the event there was a heavy rain pouring. I thought we have to cancel the activity because the place where we plan make a crusade is an open air/no roof. But God is good because at the appointed time we suppose to be there it was just like a shower.

During Praise and Worship the inmates were very participative and they seemed to be enjoying the fellowship with "outsiders" like us. Pastor Jonas delivered a short message of hope and salvation to them and they were all attentive to what he was shared on Matthew 25:35-36.

Everybody was blessed with the Word of God coupled with a short testimonies came from his team. I was the interpreter during that time that when I told them to say to one another: "You will be freed by your sins!" they were all excitedly and joyfully shouted it as fresh news or some sort of revelation to them. I told them to follow me in reciting the sinner's prayer and they all accepted Jesus. Praise the Lord.

When the time came to give them some basic necessities(like groceries, toiletries, etc) as a gift, the 200 plus inmates were so thankful that they felt the mercy and love of God. I can see in them the heartfeltgratitude on what they had received.

Thanks to all the people behind the M25 Ministry of Surf City Christian Church-its Pastors, missionaries, and donors-you have made those in prison to be glad these days. We will pray for you and your ministry. Thanks for all the support. God richly bless you.

From Bro. Dimson T. Dimaano
Pastor, Jesus Is Lord Church
Lipa City Chapter
Brgy. Sabang, Lipa City
Philippines 4201

Saving Grace

Saving Grace
by Hillsong United

Verse 1
Night and day I seek Your face
Long for You in the secret place
All I want in this life
Is to truly know you more...

Verse 2
As the waters cover the sea,
So Your love covers me
Guiding me on,
Roads unknown
I trust in You alone (2x)

My Saving Grace
My endless love
Deeper and deeper
I'm falling in love with You
My one desire
My only truth
Deeper and deeper
I'm falling in love with you

Verse 2

with you..
fallin' in love with you...

And I will rise on wings of eagles
Soaring high above all my fears
I rest in Your open arms of love


As the waters cover the sea
So your love covers me....
covers me...

....truly this song touched my heart, because falling in love with the Lord is the best experience i've ever had. - from Micko

Jesus Draw Me Close (Wallpaper)

To have this on your screen:
1. Double click the picture.
2. Then right click the enlarged picture.
3. Click Set as Background.
You have now a new wallpaper.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Christmas Fellowship 2005 (5)


Christmas Fellowship 2005 (4)

Fun Games: Extra Challenge Style....

Christmas Fellowship 2005 (3)

Christmas Carols from Youth Ministry....